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Questions for "Adam" (3/28/2014) Empty Questions for "Adam" (3/28/2014)

Post by Sam I Am Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:09 am

[list="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"]
Here are my responses to this week's questions for Adam "Wolfyman" Montana.[/list]

[list="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Helvetica, FreeSans, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"]
[*]How is the changing of the guard at CBI going to effect the chances of an RV? Some folks think it is so Maliki can plunder the reserves. What's your thoughts? Well it didn't have much effect the last time they changed it, now did it? People have been saying that about Maliki for years but the reserves keep growing. However, it's their country and they can run it into the ground if they see fit. That's a risk you take in buying the currency of an unstable country.

[*]Concerning the loss of value of the us dollar when the RV comes. If the dollar devalues against the Dinar, Dong, etc. How much of the buying power will the US dollar decrease? The dinar is pegged to the USD, so if the dollar loses value the dinar loses value too. If they revalue or devalue it won't make much difference, since (contrary to what the idiot gurus are telling you) those two actions are relatively insignificant in nature. As for the dong, Vietnam prefers to slowly devalue it so I'm not expecting any increase any time soon. The dollar might decrease a few % in value, but in the last few years it seems to be holding up fairly well on the forex. I look for that to continue short term.

[*]How do you think an rv would affect the stock in iraq? Not muchIt's just an exchange rate vs. foreign currencies. Raising the value a few % would only have a negligible impact. Would they just change the nominal value and I'm still left with the same amount of stock? Changing the nominal value would be an RD, not an RV. After they redenominate your stock in XYZ that sold for 1,000 dinar will now sell for 1 dinar. 

[*]Can you give a breakdown of what is happening now in Iraq? Violence, corruption, sectarian division ..... same ol' same ol'.We heard that Turki is being removed and that all has been completed including the HCL, just not implemented. Who knows? Who cares? None of that is going to raise the value of the dinar substantially. What laws are still hanging out there that have to be done? Ditto. What are your contacts in Iraq saying. What contacts? I can't believe they are waiting on the elections to revalue currency. Just doesn't make sense. You're right, it doesn't. They've raised the value in the past with Maliki in office. The only reason they aren't raising the value now is that they apparently don't see the need to.

[*]I thought the HCL had been impemented and done. Am I wrong? Again ... Who knows? Who cares? It's irrelevant. If not what are we waiting on? An ice storm in hell?   How can they be pushing oil through the lines without the HCL being im place and implemented? Just like they always have .... pump stations.

[*]I want to renew my three month VIP while the 28% discount is active. Dear God! Why??? The problem I am having is due to the fact that I have renewed several times in the past and the renewal was effective from the date I renewed even though I still had time left on the original. Right now my membership does not expire until April/17/14.  Forget about the 28% discount.  Save 100% and drop that VIP membership like a hot brick! 

[*]It seems to me that Iraq is doing just fine.they just bought 36 tonnes of gold.why would they RV? Very good, Grasshopper!

[*]To add to the above question..... where did the gold come from...how did they pay for it....and what is the value of their reserves now?  The gold was probably bought on the gold market with funds from the reserves which are mostly USD.  Last I saw their reserves came to around $80 billion.  What will it take to implement the HCL Who is in charge of that?   Back on that, are we?  also... if Maliki is not reelected...(a whole other topic) then who could be? and what do we know about them?  To be honest I don't follow the political process very much as I deem it totally irrelevant when it comes to the dinar's value.  They're all Iraqis and they're all politicians, and none of them are going to cause the dinar's value to go up enough to make any money.

[*]When a post here uses the word article then has a colon then quotation marks Does this mean an article out of a newspaper? If so why not a link to that paper on line so i can read entire article for myself ? Article......makes me think newspaper article. But im in my 50's so maybe it means something different today.  Seeing as how you're referring to "Adam's" site I can't answer that.  The vast majority of articles that gurus refer to are written in Arabic and translated into gibberish where they're then interpreted by anonymous gurus who end up making no sense and contradicting each other.  Stick with documents that are written in plain English like the IMF statements and advisories from official banking, law enforcement, government, and consumer protection organizations about hard currency scams like the dinar.  You might also want to read up on the concepts of revaluation, redenomination, and currency valuation so that you'll understand how you're being lied to by the pumpers.   

[*]IYO do you think that Iraq is conducting the census through the election cards? This seems like a very cost effective and accurate way of determining the numbers in each household.  Cost effective maybe, but accurate? And how is that relevant to the dinar?

[*]I know you don't give dates, but how long does it take to get a certificate? Not long, assuming you're certifiable. LOL! What am I saying? You'd have to be certifiable to want to join VIP!

[*]Is it just speculation that the WH has some influence with the CBI (re: RV) one way or the other?  Yes it is.  Influence? Perhaps. Control? No.  And contrary to what the gurus are telling you, whatever influence is pertaining to the currency reform which is not a revaluation but a lop. 

[*]What does the recent IMF consultation mean for the RV? NADA!!!  There is no RV.  I'll have a post on this in a couple of days.

[*]Why does Iraq always seem to have money, but never enough to RV? They could RV a few % if they wanted to, but they don't want to. In fact, they could RV a lot more than that if they would just reduce the money supply, but again ... they don't want to.

[*]This is a follow up to previous question above. Here is link to article stating (as I understand it) the Turki has been replaced as CBI governor. \http://www.altahreer...ew.asp?ID=20600 Now I'm reading articles saying that he is in Jordan at a big blow out with international banking leaders or buying truck loads of gold bullion. What gives?   Who knows with those wacky Iraqis??!!


Questions for "Adam" (3/28/2014) Sam+%25282%2529
Sam I Am
Sam I Am

Posts : 1762
Join date : 2016-01-21


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