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For those who still don't understand the IMF I_icon_minitimeYesterday at 6:20 am by Zig

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For those who still don't understand the IMF

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For those who still don't understand the IMF Empty For those who still don't understand the IMF

Post by RELIX Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:52 pm

Hungary Sheds Bankers’ Shackles
Posted on August 24, 2013 by Enbe
For those who still don't understand the IMF 34_Hungary_Bankers-300x231

American Free Press – by Ronald L. Ray

Hungary is making history of the first order.

Not since the 1930s in Germany has a major European country dared to escape from the clutches of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels. This is stupendous news that should encourage nationalist patriots worldwide to increase the fight for freedom from financial tyranny.

Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised to serve justice on his socialist predecessors, who sold the nation’s people into unending debt slavery under the lash of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the terrorist state of Israel. Those earlier administrations were riddled with Israelis in high places, to the fury of the masses, who finally elected Orbán’s Fidesz party in response. 

According to a report on the German-language website “National Journal,” Orbán has now moved to unseat the usurers from their throne. The popular, nationalistic prime minister told the IMF that Hungary neither wants nor needs further “assistance” from that proxy of the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve Bank. No longer will Hungarians be forced to pay usurious interest to private, unaccountable central bankers.

Instead, the Hungarian government has assumed sovereignty over its own currency and now issues money debt free, as it is needed. The resultshave been nothing short of remarkable. The nation’s economy, formerly staggering under deep indebtedness, has recovered rapidly and by means not seen since National Socialist Germany.

The Hungarian Economic Ministry announced that it has, thanks to a “disciplined budget policy,” repaid on August 12, 2013, the remaining €2.2B owed to the IMF—well before the March 2014 due date. Orbán declared: “Hungary enjoys the trust of investors,” by which is not meant the IMF, the Fed or any other tentacle of the Rothschild financial empire. Rather, he was referring to investors who produce something in Hungary for Hungarians and cause true economic growth. This is not the “paper prosperity” of plutocratic pirates, but the sort of production that actually employs people and improves their lives.

With Hungary now free from the shackles of servitude to debt slavers, it is no wonder that the president of the Hungarian central bank, operated by the government for the public welfare and not private enrichment, has demanded that the IMF close its offices in that ancient European land. In addition, the state attorney general, echoing Iceland’s efforts, has brought charges against the last three previous prime ministers because of the criminal amount of debt into which they plunged the nation.

The only step remaining, which would completely destroy the power of the banksters in Hungary, is for that country to implement a barter system for foreign exchange, as existed in Germany under the National Socialists and exists today in the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, or BRICS, international economic coalition. And if the United States would follow the lead of Hungary, Americans could be freed from the usurers’ tyranny and likewise hope for a return to peaceful prosperity.

Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author residing in the free state of Kansas. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.


This is exactly what I have been trying to tell folks about the IMF for over 2 years now because I keep hearing and seeing posts from the GOO-ROOZ who don't seem to understand that the IMF is an agency of the United Nations and the Hatchet-Man for the Rothschild Banking Cartel. The CBI is a Rothschild Central Bank. I keep hearing people fawningly speak of the IMF as if they were some wonderful savior of mankind and the "Global Reset" is going to "Restore The Republic" and make Peace in the world. HOG-WASH!!! The chances are great that the terms being handed down by the IMF to Iraq are so egregious that there is no wonder that many of the government officials don't want the currency revaluation which is undoubtedly tied to the IMF/WB/BIS usurious terms and conditions. I have said many times that the reval has nothing to do with Iraq's solvency, cash reserves, or gold holdings. It has more to do with the value of those assets that will have to be put up as collateral for the IMF loan which will be in SDR's and will place that country under never-ending financial slavery whereby the United Nations / IMF will eventually commandeer the natural resources. It is equally likely that the USD will take such a hit that we will be knocked back to the stone age which would explain a high Dinar exchange rate. You should understand that the reason the United States tricked their stooge and CIA asset, Saddam Hussein, into attacking Kuwait and Iran was to prevent him from issuing the Golden Dinar which would have made the Dinar an even more desirous currency than it already was. It was a Rothschild war to protect Rothschild interests and to prevent Hussein from ousting them from the country. Any time any nation attempts to combat the usury of the Rothschild Central Bank Cartel, they throw that nation into war...EVERY TIME.

With all that being said, we now see countries like Iceland and Hungary trying to do exactly that. Everyone, worldwide, is catching on to this fractional reserve / fiat currency banking tactic and they are revolting. This is a good thing. However, chances are great that these GOO-ROOZ are completely off the rails with all their mumbo-jumbo and stammering explanations. Just to make an example of a GOO-ROO that doesn't have the slightest idea what he's talking about, read the following and I will highlight the section to which I'm referring:

8-25-2013  Newshound/Intel Guru BGG   Article:  "Mahma Khalil: The Central Bank is responsible for the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar"   This is a great piece pointing out the sentiment of the Economic Commission in Parliament. ...there are several entities that all have some influence over this situation. The Economic Committee, the Finance Committee, The CBI, The GOI (as in Maliki’s bunch), The IMF and potentially the UN. The good news – Parliament is looking more and more like they are on our side.

Read more: http://www.dinarguru.com/#ixzz2d0S3t24q


The IMF and potentially the UN. WHAT??? The IMF is the United Nations so what exactly is this guy saying? The CBI and the IMF are what will make or break this deal and the others are merely players in this great deception. In other words, it's the Rothchild's party are these other guys aren't invited. These BOZOS take an anomaly like the NASDAQ glitch and try to tie it into the RV. They take everything and try to tie it into the RV. NASDAQ hasn't got a thing to do with the FOREX and CIX. Once again...ignorant blabberings from the GOO-ROOZ who not only don't know who represents whom and who is or is not an agency of the United Nations, they don't even know the difference between commodities exchanges, currency exchanges, and stock exchanges but it do sound smart to throw around those acronyms. Yesturday I koodn't even spell GOO-ROO and now I iz wun!!! Nyuk...Nyuk...Nyuk.

Here is another guy who is trying to take the article I posted a day or so ago about the Indian Rupee and the ongoing attempts to circumvent the Petro-Dollar..which BTW...is currently being done by all the BRICS and a couple additional sympathizers. I also reported that back in early 2013 where James Carl Davidson was asked to speak to a group that was conspiring with China to open a currency exchange where other countries could swap their currency for gold and then do a commodity swap with Iran for oil and technically not be breaking the OPEC Treaty. Gold for OIL. Here is the post:


8-25-2013  Newshound/Intel Guru Flashing   Article:  "Iraq promised India to solve exchange related problems"  Quote:  "We are exploring the possibility of trading in local currencies, the dinar and rupee."   DOES THAT MEAN THE IQD  WILL BE TRADEABLE?  Quote:  "WORKING TO RESOLVE THE EXCHANGE ISSUES?"  DOES THIS MEAN RV?   I THINK REAL DRIVERS ARE TELLING US WE ARE ABOUT TO SEE THE BIRTH OF OUR EXPECTED BABY. THE INCOMING DAYS LOOK PROMISING FOR US.

Read more: http://www.dinarguru.com/#ixzz2d0X4mhUV


[left]Once again...everything is tied to the RV. Yeh right! India is in such trouble with their currency they had to start buying oil from Iran with gold, which they have a lot of, but which is not considered currency according to OPEC. Iraq wants that to stop because they were good customers who are now doing the commodity swap shuffle with the help of China and their new currency exchange which the lame stream media will not mention. Perhaps we should start calling them "GUESSAROOS" because they are a lot like Kangaroos which hop from one lame, ridiculous assumption to another. OH...OH...did you see that Kangaroo hop backwards...that means that Australia is going to force the RV on Captain Kangaroo and the RV will happen at 6:01 this afternoon at a rate of $25.75. I vetted this because Barack Obama called me at 2:00am this morning to tell me the HOT INTEL!!!! Really!!! He did !!! 

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For those who still don't understand the IMF Empty Re: For those who still don't understand the IMF

Post by Ponee Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:11 pm

 Great Post RELIX !!!  Thanks!


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For those who still don't understand the IMF Empty Re: For those who still don't understand the IMF

Post by catman Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:45 am

Ah come on Relix stop being so wishy-washy and tell us what you really think.For those who still don't understand the IMF 1150991001
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For those who still don't understand the IMF Empty Re: For those who still don't understand the IMF

Post by Lil Sister Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:25 am

Keep up the good work Relix.  Maybe more of the pie eyed followers will open their eyes and see that there is little truth, if any, to anything these shysters say. 
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For those who still don't understand the IMF Empty Re: For those who still don't understand the IMF

Post by Kevind53 Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:00 am

I agree the guru speak thundering out of crapville is nothing more than pure unadulterated hogwash.

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