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In the past, I have been rather outspoken and on occasion I have been a bit over the top mostly because I have a short fuse for liars. I have been kicked off almost every forum because I told the truth about asset protection and routed some bogus attorneys and firms who have obviously made a pretty penny by taking advantage of nascent investors. You know who I’m talking about…Dinarians! These forum operators that have specialized in “Dinar Intel” are getting kickbacks from Brokers for pumping unsuspecting and unknowledgeable people who, for the first time, invested in anything. Blaino has been selling everything from health insurance to “Elite Memberships” in his “special group” that promises to get you higher rates, pre-RV cash-ins, and even the wonder Trust provided by Ray Brooks and then they dare call a single entity…a Trust no less…asset protection. NONE of the above are going to happen. He is making a living off the people who are trying to learn as fast as they can but with all this disinformation flying around, they have muddied the water so badly that it is almost a wash out and now nobody would believe even the truest of truths about the Dinar and Asset Protection if bit them in the hinny. But…[there’s always a BIG BUTT somewhere] I have never talked about something I believe to be rude, evil, and BTW…illegal. So here we go!
I want to talk about the big taboo. I don’t know how to say it politely but I am going to say it. When people like Tony, TNT, Doc, Med and on and on…start talking about their man in the UST, the IMF, the ever mysterious “three letter agencies”, the CBI, Bank Presidents, their man at FOREX,…well you get the drift here, and that these “informants” are telling them rates and dates, and talk all that clap-trap about blinking lights on “back screens” at the bank and rates showing at the tellers, and all the other bull, they are lying plain and simple. I hate to tell you Dorothy, Kansas is about a thousand miles south of OZ. The “system” works perfectly. There are no back screens and there darn sure aren’t any Bank Presidents or United Nations agency officials talking to hicks like the nut assortment laid out on the Dinarian smorgasbord.
Friends and neighbors…it’s called insider trading and people often go to jail, do not pass GO, and don’t collect 2 million dollars. What we have here is a failure to communicate. A man making 2-3 hundred thousand dollars a year isn’t going to be calling Tony Bolony at 2 in the morning with hot intel or should I say poop. I am afraid what we have are people who are either ego maniacs or more likely, Professional Pumpers that are boosting sales for brokers which…BTW…is also against the law. There is no informant intel, and no glitches in the system, and no “inside scoop.” I will go a step farther down this road and say that it is way past time to put a stop to this non-sense and we should all start writing letters to the FTC complaining about pumpers and insider informants as claimed by these nameless morons and you know who you are. Also, boards like Dinar Recaps are shameless about all the World Global Settlement garbage [ Jester] and especially the one that gets to me…”The Prosperity Packages”. NESARA is an outright fraud and I am at a loss as to why idiots hang on the phone for 8-10 hours per week and their credentials are…”I’ve been in this for 23 years”. Oh really…in what exactly??? hanging on the phone instead of going to work? It is high time this lunacy stop and we should let these Dinar Guru and Dinar Recap people have it full blast and in their faces. Either they stop this illegal humping and pumping or answer to the FTC and FBI. While we’re at it, let’s not forget mail fraud and Interstate Commerce.
I’m going to be very honest here…I don’t like most people. I don’t find much to like about them. However, for the first time, I found a sane discussion board that is called “Dinar Daily Discussions” where the mods are NOT a bunch of power drunk jerks and the board owner [Ponee] allows people to think and speak their mind as long as they aren’t being slanderous and cursing a lot. Let’s clean up this Dinar trash and let’s get these nefarious forum operators on the up and up…whaddayasay? They are also making a living facilitating these pumpers and are guilty by association. They are accomplices. They are also making money by Affiliate Marketing on sites that get millions of hits a month. They are using people who aren’t really investors and don’t know any better. This is just plain wrong and somewhat evil to build people up just to let them down. Furthermore, the residuals they are piling up from their affiliate marketing will continue to pay them for years after the RV.
I will be most interested to read your comments on this article I have written and perhaps we can make them stop the madness. AND…For The Record…I do believe we are very close, I believe that Iraq cannot hesitate much longer, and I do believe we are going to get a rate that is very similar to what the IMF put out on their website and what Shabibi consulted with them over. That would be $3.22 with a variance for inflation. Double digit RV on the Dinar is such an obvious PUMP I can’t contain myself and the Dong will not RV for as long as China can prevent it and I don’t believe in a Global reset all at once nor do I believe this is going to Restore the Republic even if they do wear White Hats and ride White Dragons.
Well…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Hasta Manya Amigos,
A man who wants revolution without blood wants crops without plowing
RELIX- Elite Member
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Well said oh four eyed one .... well said ....
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Trust but Verify --- R Reagan
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."1 Thessalonians 5:14–18
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Kevind53- Super Moderator
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Hear, Hear!!!! A thousand cudos. Well thought out and stated post.
:yes: :awesome:
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2834342768](/users/3111/12/75/68/smiles/2834342768.gif)
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2218296283](/users/3111/12/75/68/smiles/2218296283.gif)
aksafeone- Super Moderator
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LOL OOOH MY GOODNESS!!!!! It is always the quiet ones that you have to watch out for. Get Relix wound up and he tells you what is on his mind !!!!!
Nicely done Relix and thank you from Dinar Daily and it's team and all the members and even guests that make this a great place to wait out the never ending ride. We have been thru a lot during this adventure and I can't think of a better bunch of people to fellowship with while we wait. The blend of individuals here certainly keep it interesting and entertaining.
Thanks so much for being one of the "Truth Speakers" in this crazy story of the Iraqi Dinar and the Elusive RV
I appreciate the "LOVE" you sent our way and send it back at you..... Keep spreading the truth....and let's STOP the MADNESS !!
![STOP THE MADNESS! Hugs-and-kisses](
Ponee- Admin
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Purpleskyz- Admin
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OHHHHHHHHHHHHH heck YEAH!!! ![STOP THE MADNESS! 9k=]()
All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.........~Gandalf~
Come visit me:
alleyrose- Super Moderator
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very well put. I would love to see people like okie and tony in prison for all their lies. so if I can help expose these frauds just let me know where to start!!!
Aaron30- Guest
ugh - don't get me started. See, apparently "news" is not enough. If there isn't some hype, or something to rag about, apparently no one wants to be here, so the guru BS got brought back, so I stop in every now and again...and see the same "guru info" I move is a vicious circle....
IQD4US- Elite Member
- Posts : 1005
Join date : 2011-12-16
Whooo..Hooo...tell um' Relix!!! Very well spoken true words! I love it!!!
This is the reason I love this site, we can tell it like we see it. Truth is the Truth!
This is the reason I love this site, we can tell it like we see it. Truth is the Truth!
Praise God for all things, and he will give us the desires of our hearts!
Horizon- Super Moderator
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Apparently, you feel compelled to chime in so you become part of the "rag about", that you say should be eliminated.IQD4US wrote:ugh - don't get me started. See, apparently "news" is not enough. If there isn't some hype, or something to rag about, apparently no one wants to be here, so the guru BS got brought back, so I stop in every now and again...and see the same "guru info" I move is a vicious circle....
Yes, please do MOVE on.
DinarPhoenix- Elite Member
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IQD4US wrote:ugh - don't get me started. See, apparently "news" is not enough. If there isn't some hype, or something to rag about, apparently no one wants to be here, so the guru BS got brought back, so I stop in every now and again...and see the same "guru info" I move is a vicious circle....
As stated before IQD4US, There is a site out there for everyone. If you want to "read" news only and have no conversations and just read it, yes there are several sites for those people. You go, you read, you move on. There is ittle interaction, little correspondence, little connection between members. IF you are going to do that You may as well avoid ALL Iraqi and Dinar sites and just go and read all the Iraqi on line newspapers. (I read a lot of those actually). And if that is what someone is looking for then this is not the site for them. I believe a former member/mod/admin created a site such as that in April ( I believe you are a registered member there? I never see you logged in there though)
In April of 2012, this site removed the site guru and went to NEWS ONLY. The site became a "just us 4 and no more" site. By April 2013, The total visits a day was 27 if we were lucky. The only ones who came were the mods. The site was on the verge of being closed. April of 2013 I was graciously gifted this site. I have made changes. I am continuing to make changes. Yesterday, we had 850 VISITS with almost 700 hundred of them being unique visitors. I see old friends coming back to visit and new friends registering. For not having an onsite guru and circus act, I think that is a good sign that we are doing something right here. As an "OPEN FORUM" we offer diversity and more than that, freedom. Something badly needed in this DINAR WORLD DRAMA
Do we post guru stuff, sure. Do we believe in it ? No. Is it feeding into the hype of it is happening? Only if someone is not reading the rest of the posts following it. We are myth busting in our own way. We show what is being said and disagree with it.
Back to your aversion for Dinar Daily and its forum content. We are not a sterile site. We put up the NEWS and WE put up the roos. We no longer view this as just a Dinar site. This is a stomping ground, a coffee break, an evening chit chat. If there was only news on here ( which is as dry as saw dust) we would have NOTHING to talk about. There is only so much you can say about poorly translated gibber gabber that is just as WRONG as the GURUS most of the time, as it contradicts itself over and over. I have been reading the same ARTICLES for 3 years now. Some are the same articles with a few words changed, reposted by the Iraqi newspapers .
IQD4US, We are members who met here and have known each other for several years. I have been with these members through, births, marriages, graduations, deaths of loved ones , divorces, promotions, job loss and so much more. Those that have gotten to know me have been with me through the death of my best friend, the trauma of being removed from our family business, my starting my own practice and now the closing of my office). I talk to several of these members (that are from all over the country) on the phone on a frequent basis. We exchange emails. We facebook together. We come together on many different levels of bonding.
We are all here collectively, on this site, for whatever reason. We have found a social media where we have a common interest. This site suits the needs of those that frequent and participate. For those who's needs it does not meet, they move on. We are personal here. We are silly at times. We are ridiculous. We are human. And we are just making it thru in the way that fits us best. We support one another, we get mad at each other sometimes, but we take a step back and breathe and we come back ready to hang out together again. In essence, we are family. We are a dinarian family that is just holding each other up, beyond the dinar drama. The nice thing about this family is you aren't BORN into it, you OPT in. And just as easily as one can OPT in, one can OPT out.
For those who do not know me, I am protective of this Site, it's Team and of it's Members. I love my Dinarian Family here. And I prefer that my site and its members not be torn down. But, since it has always been my policy, as Relix pointed out, that I allow opinions, even if I dissagree (that is what makes this site special) and since you are always dissatisfied with the content of the forum, there are several options open to you.
1. Since you don't like the guru drama or whatever drama we have on here, don't read it. Stick to the NEWS SECTIONS ONLY - They are clearly marked
2. You can walk away from the site and not log back in.
3. You can opt out and have me delete your account.
4. If you don't want to opt out, I can change all of your settings so that the ONLY thing you can see is the news. (Why you would do that I don't know since there are other news sites out there. (But then again, I have HAD some very unique things posted that other sites do not)
You are an original member here IQD4US, and you are ALWAYS welcome here in whatever capacity you choose as long as it isn't to cause dissension regarding what this site is and what it is about. We force no one to be part of this site.
Let me know what you decide if the decision requires my assistance with one of those options.
And now that I just took the hour and a half this morning that I would normally have been searching and posting NEWS ARTICLES to write this instead (in between everything else I had to do thig morning), I only have time to copy past DINAR GURU and then take my daughter's friend to the bus station. The news will have to wait.....
Have a wonderful day!
Last edited by Ponee on Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:47 am; edited 2 times in total
Ponee- Admin
- Posts : 38267
Join date : 2011-08-09
IQD4US I think you need a huuuuuug!!
There you go all better now!!
alleyrose- Super Moderator
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Location : Australia
Personally I think that all of the 'roos should be now be brought up on the charge of aiding and abetting a felony. Felony? Isn't commercial fraud a felony? That's right folks, what has occurred to us is nothing less than commercial felony. How? WE purchased dinar, some mostly on the things read on the blogs and the statements made by the roos. Some before the 'roos got smart and started spouting "rumor" about everything and all this "it w rv'd in Iraq today, in-country rv, it will rv at $11pm Tuesday, etc." What all that amounts to is aiding the felony of fraud. What fraud? Has the dinar rv'd? NO. Has it happened as the 'roos claim their "sources" said it would? No. HAVE THEY NAMED THEIR SOURCES? NO. Has your investment increased in value when they said it would by the amount they said it would or was going to? NO. Did you buy more in the frenzy of balderdash? YES. Influenced by the balderdash? YES. THAT IS AIDING AND ABETTING A FELONY. NO? Well then it for darn sure is INSIDER TRADING of a vile kind.
Regardless of the claims posted to the contrary: THE INFORMATION PROVIDERS FOR THE IRAQI DINAR INVESTMENT ARE ALL POTENTIALLY GUILTY OF CRIMINAL ACTS. Doesn't make any difference if they did it to help their fellow man, if they did it to make themselves large than life or promoted their own cause. For what ever reason they chose to fabricate or spread fabricated information - they are guilty. Putting the tag of "take this as rumor" on this information is hogwash. It still is the same as it was before they started doing that - inciting people to invest more in the Iraqi Dinar.
STOP buying dinar! STOP buying the Viet Nam Dong. STOP buying ANY foreign currency for investment purposes. STOP THE MADNESS, if there are no sales the dealers and Iraq get NOTHING. As it is right now they profit by the minute even second. Ever wonder what they mean by AMN or ASN? It means that another sucker will buy any minute or second now. STOP BUYING. I said that a couple of years ago. I'm saying it now. EVERYONE STOP BUYING. Start a grassroots rebellion, call a cop, protest on the blogs - if RECAPS doesn't print it then the heck with them DON"T bother to go there or the advertisers on their site. That's right don't frequent sites where we paid to be on -quit that site. Tell them - no thank you so much.
JUST SAY NO. NO MORE PURCHASES. NO MORE PATRONIZATION OF ADVERTISERS, NO MORE LISTENING TO BALDERDASH AND NO MORE FRAUD. IF this is not a scam (and Wells Fargo banks have dubbed the Iraqi dinar investment a scam in the past) then RV the currency and move on OR let the justice departments get off their duffs and start prosecuting these "bilkers, blabbers and bullies."
Just the opinion (and we still have that right to an opinion and to express it) of a poor, worn out, investor. STOP THE MADNESS.
aksafeone- Super Moderator
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and let's STOP the MADNESS !! GOOD thread here, Ponee kudos to you and the rest of the crew..IQD4US you got to roll with the punches buddy, or better yet duck.Thats the good thing here at DD you get to punch back at the Renfrows of this investment ..I think we should(Ponee!!) start somekind of digital signature page(if thats legal which Im sure it is) a statement about the Renfrow/okies and their crap mouth ways and once gatherd/compiled send it to the authorities ,(which one Im unclear on)(Im sure Relix would know) A digitally signed petition to push an action against these liars.......If I could cost these morons $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to shut up,I certainly would
Last edited by clayf on Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : color)
clayf- VIP Member
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aksafeone right on the money but you will always have gready or desperate people tht want to believe that will buy
Jayzze- VIP Member
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Ponee... I have never been prouder to know you after reading what you posted above.
Well stated and ever the professional you are.
We are family here. We support each other in so many ways as you so eloquently pointed out.
So IQD4us.... think maybe you need to do some soul searching and maybe an attitude adjustment is in order. YIKES dude or dudette! Chillax already!
Ponee... I have never been prouder to know you after reading what you posted above.
Well stated and ever the professional you are.
We are family here. We support each other in so many ways as you so eloquently pointed out.
So IQD4us.... think maybe you need to do some soul searching and maybe an attitude adjustment is in order. YIKES dude or dudette! Chillax already!
Out Of Mind
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2245507099](
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2245507099](
Purpleskyz- Admin
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Thanks Relix for your post. You stated what most of us dinar veterans feel. Thanks Ponee for opening the site to freer expression. I remember when you were a mod on the original site over 2 years ago. You were a supporter of the free thinkers then also. All you keep doing what you are doing. this is a great place to visit every day
Levitations- Elite Member
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Age : 35
So apparently everyone may speak their mind but me....
IQD4US- Elite Member
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Join date : 2011-12-16
Not so and my post does not reflect that at all. Continue to Feel free to rail against the Gurus all you want. Bash the whole dinar conundrum. Take a stand against the gurus...IQD4US wrote:So apparently everyone may speak their mind but me....
It is just that you keep stressing that you do not like what is posted on DD. What is the purpose of that? I just wanted you to know that if you don't like what is posted that you have options.
Ponee- Admin
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Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:22 pm ![]() | |
This post has been removed as it contained info that was originally part of a private message and mentions an ex member here. |
IQD4US- Elite Member
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If I don't like what a store has to offer for products, I don't stand outside the store with a sign cutting down their merchandise. What is the purpose of that? I either buy only what I like there, or I just don't patronize it.
Last edited by Ponee on Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ponee- Admin
- Posts : 38267
Join date : 2011-08-09
This post has been removed also for the same reason stated above.
IQD4US- Elite Member
- Posts : 1005
Join date : 2011-12-16
IQD4US, do you ever look beyond the scroll and go directly to the NEWS FORUM???? THERE IS A LOT of news there. Some days more than others. Because some days there is NO NEWS! But there is always guru crap. As for your news falling off the scroll. Ya, it happens to me too ... I can put up 12 articles and the discussions between the members in regards to the gurus does push it off. You know what i do??? I copy past it and I resend it to the scroll. I bump it... most articles will not get discussed. Many people don't understand what is being said... who can blame them???
There is A LOT OF NEWS HERE--- but I don't post ALL Iraqi news like some sites because they are not relevant.... there is only so much news.
As for members not being expected to contribute articles... that is just bull... THIS IS A DISCUSSION FORUM... members - mods - owner. We can all participate in bring stuff to the board. It is exhausting trying to do it alone. Many of the dinar sites have newshounds.
The issue people are having is that you are trying to cut down a site for what they are because you don't like it.
My question is ... why do you want to be a member of a site you don't like
Ponee- Admin
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Join date : 2011-08-09
Hey, I don't like Pizza, so when I go to the piizza shop with the family I just dont buy the pizza . I get the meatball sandwich. IQD4US when you come here, skip the pizza and get the meatballs. Don't miss out on the other things this site has to offer. they are different here. i have gone to other sites but i keep coming back here. they are real .
Levitations- Elite Member
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Age : 35
IQD4US wrote:ugh - don't get me started. See, apparently "news" is not enough. If there isn't some hype, or something to rag about, apparently no one wants to be here, so the guru BS got brought back, so I stop in every now and again...and see the same "guru info" I move is a vicious circle....
Apparently if it is not happening to you, it is irrelevant. I heard of people committing suicide over this investment - believing the hype. I personally know people who died while waiting on this, one of whom put their retirement into purchasing, and now that he is dead - his wife is ill and has no money. Their "nest egg" is all in dinar. She can't sell it because he removed all the "receipts" and has not proof of who sold it to her. She's screwed.
Reno - keeps coming up. Hadn't been there in 3 years. Went in June. You really would not believe these people. I honestly could not understand how they could live the way they are. No shelter except a car with no gas. Dirty, raggedy, HUNGRY. Begging. Right here in America - people who believe I MEAN BELIEVE what the guru's have said, and there is "just a glitch". I believe it has gotten past the "hype" and into the - OMG what have I done - it HAS to happen or all is lost - literally ALL IS LOST. The government HAS to know this is happening - it is not like these people are being quiet about their circumstance.
And yet - we are posting the lies right here - spreading the lies. Getting the "guru" names on yet another site they don't pay for. Free Advertising for them. Not just 1 or 2 - many.
Let's look at my statement above.
"ugh - don't get me started. See, apparently "news" is not enough". Title of the post was Stop the Madness. The posting was about the "guru's" with their lies and deceit. My statement is about how "news" didn't get "buyers". That applies, btw, to a site that changes their format in order to get "more viewers". When this was originally Okie Oil Man, people here got so tired of the lies and bs that people stood up. I was threatened with deletion so many times back then I can't possibly recall with any accuracy a true number. Then DDD and ChangeExchange (I think I spelled that wrong) were born - of people who were tired of the lies. They wanted fact.
So the news started being posted. True life news - things that would make you wonder how people could continue to live under those conditions. To understand the RV, you have to understand the country. This is like nothing else we have ever encountered, and in order for us to see this again - there has to be another "war" so to speak.
"If there isn't some hype, or something to rag about, apparently no one wants to be here, so the guru BS got brought back" Is this not a true statement? You sent me a PM, and included the above information. What I copied came in a PM from you to my box titled to me. Do not know anything about it being a MOD letter. But you did say people were free to discuss what they wanted. So
so I stop in every now and again...and see the same "guru info" I move on A statement of what I personally do. When there is something of interest, I comment. Sometimes I quash. About the time I was no longer a newshound, every post I put out had someone telling me I was wrong, didn't know what I was talking I quit trying to explain. As the new people came in - they new me from Adam, and I received some pretty nasty pm's about how I "had no clue" about this investment. I did not respond, as I knew better. There used to be a time when Kevind53, Turbo, Punisher, and a few others used to dissect news stories and search for factual "backup" - even argue about it at times - but the point was we got to the truth. Now if you voice an opinion other than it better be about a guru post. I guess though we are not allowed to voice that since the guru information is all bs anyway, that it should be ignored.
so I move is a vicious circle Now this is where I think everyone is jumping the gun. Do you honestly expect me to believe that every member reads every guru post that gets brought here? In later comments from people - including you Ponee - you tell me to go to the "news" section. I do. I move on to the articles that mean something - I particularly find the "health" posts interesting, worthy of viewing, and if I have any additional information I add it. I read a few of the guru cruds posted - see it's the same bs, and move on to the articles that are worth viewing. The "vicious circle" refers to the years of the same bs
But, again, I guess everyone is entitled to speak their mind. Never mind if the truth is involved - if it doesn't fit in with what everyone thinks is being said - it is wrong - attack them - tell them to chill - tell them to "move on to another site". Tell them to "do something else", call them out on the boards as if they did something wrong while encouraging discussion about any subject.
Oh - and making comments about "other sites" you know I visit-- isn't that you putting my business out there....a violation of my privacy....hittin hard below the belt trying to make a point you misunderstood in the first place.
You were called professional - ever think that if you felt a comment was inappropriate to PM me and ask what my problem was? Have I ever ignored a PM from you Ponee? Haven't received one since April. What you did was not professional - and you violated my privacy and read something into that wasn't there, as apparently did others, but was all fact.
They get free advertising - I get attacked.
IQD4US- Elite Member
- Posts : 1005
Join date : 2011-12-16
We all visit other sites... you didn't change your username. It isn't a secret. Nor is it an an invasion of privacy.
I do know what your problem is. It is the same as the rest of us. We are all tired, we are all frustrated and we are all angry at times. Thus the reason this site is here for those who want to express those emotions.
You are still missing the point -- which is that you have on many occassions critized this site and it's content. Making us the bad guys. We are not supporting any guru. They are not getting free advertising. Their posts come up and then they are torn apart. How good is that for them?
As for PMing, you always brought your issues to the board and I responded on the same thread. You did not PM me either.
ChangesXchange is a WONDERFUL sister site. But, it serves no purpose to have a duplicate site.
And Kevin STILL discuss the articles along with several others on this board. You are not taking the time to read the posts.
As for those who have committed suicide or lives have been destroyed and then saying I don't care because it hasn't happened to me. You don't know me, my life, or those near me. I know. I have lived and been crushed more than you know w in regards to the Dinar. But, I nor this site were responsible for the misfortune of those. I am sorry for them and their families. AND I do have more to say in regards to this part of the issue but I have to go attend to family matters right now.
It comes back to the same statement....
There are different dinar sites out there for different people's needs.......
No one is MADE to frequent ANY SITE
Last edited by Ponee on Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ponee- Admin
- Posts : 38267
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![STOP THE MADNESS! 2243815925](/users/3111/12/75/68/smiles/2243815925.gif)
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2243815925](/users/3111/12/75/68/smiles/2243815925.gif)
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abby ann- VIP Member
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It is so hard for me to understand that people were so stupid as to get themselves in such dire straights over this so called investment. It is not that I doubt what you are saying IQD but it sure is their lesson to be learned.
As to the poor older woman that has no receipt or proof of ownership for her IQD.... I just called a couple of currency dealers around my parts and was told this:
At the present there is no law in place that currency or metals can not be "sold" to the dealers that says they need to prove a receipt or ownership. They only need to provide identification. But that Illinois has put this in front of the law makers in 2011 and it has not been passed.
So at present that woman or anyone wanting to help her can take that IQD or whatever and trade it back to any dealer for close to her investment. It is only said to be important when exchange after the RV. Then you must provide proof of ownership.
Hope that helps....
As to the poor older woman that has no receipt or proof of ownership for her IQD.... I just called a couple of currency dealers around my parts and was told this:
At the present there is no law in place that currency or metals can not be "sold" to the dealers that says they need to prove a receipt or ownership. They only need to provide identification. But that Illinois has put this in front of the law makers in 2011 and it has not been passed.
So at present that woman or anyone wanting to help her can take that IQD or whatever and trade it back to any dealer for close to her investment. It is only said to be important when exchange after the RV. Then you must provide proof of ownership.
Hope that helps....
Out Of Mind
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![STOP THE MADNESS! 2245507099](
Purpleskyz- Admin
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i would like to speak my mind as if i do not anyway first of all onthis site you can state your opinions as long as you do it in a respectful way. secondly ponee and this from terbo also go girl go girl . and lastly i have been on this ride along time 6 yrs when i thought it would be 2yrs max.along this journey i lost a friend who killed him self because he listened to some of the arse clowns and it did not happen and some who lost the car house and wife and family because it never happened. i think many of us had similar tales. this should be treated as a business and like any otherthing all lot of personal iresearch should be done instead of believing every tom dick and harry. the poential in iraq is there and oneday it will happen but i do not have a clue anymore sinceits very hard to get the truth out of the middle east
Jayzze- VIP Member
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Wow IQD what a grumpy bum, I guess the hug didn't work eh?
Ponee you are awesome and so is this site! You can't please everyone so no good wasting energy trying!
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2Q==]()
Ponee you are awesome and so is this site! You can't please everyone so no good wasting energy trying!
All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.........~Gandalf~
Come visit me:
alleyrose- Super Moderator
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alley rose where is my steak on the barbie with bloomin onions terbo nd i are waiting
alleyrose terbo and i are waiting for our stek on the barbie with bloomin onion ?and some fosters
alleyrose terbo and i are waiting for our stek on the barbie with bloomin onion ?and some fosters
Jayzze- VIP Member
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All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.........~Gandalf~
Come visit me:
alleyrose- Super Moderator
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All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.........~Gandalf~
Come visit me:
alleyrose- Super Moderator
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alleyrose i stole okies jet so i am picking up terbo and we will be there soon
Jayzze- VIP Member
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Oh good I'll keep everything warm for you!! Anyone else want to join us??
All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.........~Gandalf~
Come visit me:
alleyrose- Super Moderator
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Thanks, Relix! That was awesome! And thanks to all the mods for a great site. I don't always have a whole lot of time to join in discussions because I am a trauma surgeon at a very busy ER, but I really enjoy this forum and appreciate everyone's input, insights and humor.
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2243815925](/users/3111/12/75/68/smiles/2243815925.gif)
pinkdragon- Active Member
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A trauma surgeon....then you are a God!! Total respect for you guys!!
![STOP THE MADNESS! Z]()
All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.........~Gandalf~
Come visit me:
alleyrose- Super Moderator
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alleyrose we are circling around your house and cannot find a place to land
Jayzze- VIP Member
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On the nieghbours roof will be fine lol!
All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.........~Gandalf~
Come visit me:
alleyrose- Super Moderator
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Relix your picture makes my eyes crazy but that aside. Great Post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
time2eat- Guest
Alleyrose...can I come live at your house? LoL Good grub and the Mas Fina Cervesa!!!!
Gambas filetes y that's living.
La Fiesta
Gambas filetes y that's living.
La Fiesta
A man who wants revolution without blood wants crops without plowing
RELIX- Elite Member
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IQD4US Listen your going through an ordeal but calm down and try not to take in all the crap that is on this planet at once.This dinar crap is merely one piece of the garbage and what comes with it that is taking place on this planet and its not going to end by any means that you can throw at it.Just try and be your own man when it comes to the ideas of others and there is alot as you know The television itself will brain wash the mind if you let it.Its always telling the people what they want ,what they should buy,how you should dress,what to eat,where to eat,(Come on down kiddys Ronalds at Mcd's today with his big shoes on and remember at Olive Garden your family)(what a bunch of crap) how to act(thats a bad one today on our youth)
(you know whats up my p-funk cous homboy babys mama sportin my brand new hoody bro)you get my drift ...Just screw it, cant fight it, just be your own deal and watch your back..and know that one day this nonsense will all be wiped clean..You want to get a wake up call has a radio show that certainly got my steam going back in the day,but its on late ,to late for me most of the time now that Im older they wont allow that show on at primetime.I listened to it for years and dont really need to hear it again as I got it..Your going to manage ,we all will
(you know whats up my p-funk cous homboy babys mama sportin my brand new hoody bro)you get my drift ...Just screw it, cant fight it, just be your own deal and watch your back..and know that one day this nonsense will all be wiped clean..You want to get a wake up call has a radio show that certainly got my steam going back in the day,but its on late ,to late for me most of the time now that Im older they wont allow that show on at primetime.I listened to it for years and dont really need to hear it again as I got it..Your going to manage ,we all will
clayf- VIP Member
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as they say in maimi i can see it clearly but do to nda cannot say
Jayzze- VIP Member
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IQD4US: George Noorey is a pretty good guy and has a great show. He is, however, all over the map with his topics. Another good show is the program with Alex Jones. He has on some amazing guests these days. Some find him off-putting because he is such a Texas red-neck but he is very accurate on his analysis and has cahones' a plenty when it comes to confronting tyranny. Being southern and having spent a lot of time in Texas, I can handle the rough voice and tantrums and the fact that he is more narrow on his topics is a good thing I believe. He is on at 11:00 am CDT.
A man who wants revolution without blood wants crops without plowing
RELIX- Elite Member
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Well...Mt. Goat and Okie came out with new diatribes of how their intergity has been impugned. This article has gone viral and is still be circulated. I have had it sent to me three times already by people that don't know my moniker. They don't belong to this group either so that means they got from somewhere else...LoL I love it! I just picked up this article and thought it would be fun as this has been in the news and on the lips of the GOO-ROOZ.
A man who wants revolution without blood wants crops without plowing
RELIX- Elite Member
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Careful ... Ponee might change your title to guru!RELIX wrote:Well...Mt. Goat and Okie came out with new diatribes of how their intergity has been impugned. This article has gone viral and is still be circulated. I have had it sent to me three times already by people that don't know my moniker. They don't belong to this group either so that means they got from somewhere else...LoL I love it! I just picked up this article and thought it would be fun as this has been in the news and on the lips of the GOO-ROOZ.
![Twisted Evil](
Trust but Verify --- R Reagan
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."1 Thessalonians 5:14–18
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2805820865](
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2805820865](
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2805820865](
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2805820865](
Kevind53- Super Moderator
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Interesting link ... but he ignored or missed the fact that the signatures are moved to the left or in his terms, "fiat side" of the bill. Does that mean the UST is going away?
He is right, the bills were originally printed in 2009. Unfortunately, there were many microcreases in the bills that rendered them unusual and it was not discovered until after a couple of pallet loads were printed. I remember there was a stink over it in the news with politicians and "experts" demanding to know how this happened. As I recall there were two choices at the time ... sort the bills by hand, or destroy them and re-do the printing process. Also note that unlike coins, the series date does not change until changes are made. It represents the date that particular design was first printed whereas coins show the year minted. Look for the signature to get an idea of when they were actually printed.
He is right, the bills were originally printed in 2009. Unfortunately, there were many microcreases in the bills that rendered them unusual and it was not discovered until after a couple of pallet loads were printed. I remember there was a stink over it in the news with politicians and "experts" demanding to know how this happened. As I recall there were two choices at the time ... sort the bills by hand, or destroy them and re-do the printing process. Also note that unlike coins, the series date does not change until changes are made. It represents the date that particular design was first printed whereas coins show the year minted. Look for the signature to get an idea of when they were actually printed.
Trust but Verify --- R Reagan
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."1 Thessalonians 5:14–18
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2805820865](
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2805820865](
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2805820865](
![STOP THE MADNESS! 2805820865](
Kevind53- Super Moderator
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RELIX wrote:
In the past, I have been rather outspoken and on occasion I have been a bit over the top mostly because I have a short fuse for liars. I have been kicked off almost every forum because I told the truth about asset protection and routed some bogus attorneys and firms who have obviously made a pretty penny by taking advantage of nascent investors. You know who I’m talking about…Dinarians! These forum operators that have specialized in “Dinar Intel” are getting kickbacks from Brokers for pumping unsuspecting and unknowledgeable people who, for the first time, invested in anything. Blaino has been selling everything from health insurance to “Elite Memberships” in his “special group” that promises to get you higher rates, pre-RV cash-ins, and even the wonder Trust provided by Ray Brooks and then they dare call a single entity…a Trust no less…asset protection. NONE of the above are going to happen. He is making a living off the people who are trying to learn as fast as they can but with all this disinformation flying around, they have muddied the water so badly that it is almost a wash out and now nobody would believe even the truest of truths about the Dinar and Asset Protection if bit them in the hinny. But…[there’s always a BIG BUTT somewhere] I have never talked about something I believe to be rude, evil, and BTW…illegal. So here we go!
I want to talk about the big taboo. I don’t know how to say it politely but I am going to say it. When people like Tony, TNT, Doc, Med and on and on…start talking about their man in the UST, the IMF, the ever mysterious “three letter agencies”, the CBI, Bank Presidents, their man at FOREX,…well you get the drift here, and that these “informants” are telling them rates and dates, and talk all that clap-trap about blinking lights on “back screens” at the bank and rates showing at the tellers, and all the other bull, they are lying plain and simple. I hate to tell you Dorothy, Kansas is about a thousand miles south of OZ. The “system” works perfectly. There are no back screens and there darn sure aren’t any Bank Presidents or United Nations agency officials talking to hicks like the nut assortment laid out on the Dinarian smorgasbord.
Friends and neighbors…it’s called insider trading and people often go to jail, do not pass GO, and don’t collect 2 million dollars. What we have here is a failure to communicate. A man making 2-3 hundred thousand dollars a year isn’t going to be calling Tony Bolony at 2 in the morning with hot intel or should I say poop. I am afraid what we have are people who are either ego maniacs or more likely, Professional Pumpers that are boosting sales for brokers which…BTW…is also against the law. There is no informant intel, and no glitches in the system, and no “inside scoop.” I will go a step farther down this road and say that it is way past time to put a stop to this non-sense and we should all start writing letters to the FTC complaining about pumpers and insider informants as claimed by these nameless morons and you know who you are. Also, boards like Dinar Recaps are shameless about all the World Global Settlement garbage [ Jester] and especially the one that gets to me…”The Prosperity Packages”. NESARA is an outright fraud and I am at a loss as to why idiots hang on the phone for 8-10 hours per week and their credentials are…”I’ve been in this for 23 years”. Oh really…in what exactly??? hanging on the phone instead of going to work? It is high time this lunacy stop and we should let these Dinar Guru and Dinar Recap people have it full blast and in their faces. Either they stop this illegal humping and pumping or answer to the FTC and FBI. While we’re at it, let’s not forget mail fraud and Interstate Commerce.
I’m going to be very honest here…I don’t like most people. I don’t find much to like about them. However, for the first time, I found a sane discussion board that is called “Dinar Daily Discussions” where the mods are NOT a bunch of power drunk jerks and the board owner [Ponee] allows people to think and speak their mind as long as they aren’t being slanderous and cursing a lot. Let’s clean up this Dinar trash and let’s get these nefarious forum operators on the up and up…whaddayasay? They are also making a living facilitating these pumpers and are guilty by association. They are accomplices. They are also making money by Affiliate Marketing on sites that get millions of hits a month. They are using people who aren’t really investors and don’t know any better. This is just plain wrong and somewhat evil to build people up just to let them down. Furthermore, the residuals they are piling up from their affiliate marketing will continue to pay them for years after the RV.
I will be most interested to read your comments on this article I have written and perhaps we can make them stop the madness. AND…For The Record…I do believe we are very close, I believe that Iraq cannot hesitate much longer, and I do believe we are going to get a rate that is very similar to what the IMF put out on their website and what Shabibi consulted with them over. That would be $3.22 with a variance for inflation. Double digit RV on the Dinar is such an obvious PUMP I can’t contain myself and the Dong will not RV for as long as China can prevent it and I don’t believe in a Global reset all at once nor do I believe this is going to Restore the Republic even if they do wear White Hats and ride White Dragons.
Well…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Hasta Manya Amigos,
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RamblerNash- GURU HUNTER
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Uhm ok. So where is relix now? Anyone?
Troyboy- Elite Member
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