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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! I_icon_minitimeYesterday at 6:20 am by Zig

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2024 8:16 pm by RamblerNash

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2024 7:24 pm by RamblerNash

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2024 5:58 am by kenlej

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 17, 2024 5:49 am by kenlej

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2024 6:56 pm by Mission1st

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! I_icon_minitimeSun May 05, 2024 10:51 am by kenlej

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 29, 2024 4:13 pm by Mission1st

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 05, 2024 6:48 pm by kenlej

Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by SpecialAgentGibbs Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:47 pm

The latest bill empowering the IRS to revoke American citizens’ passports is
currently in motion. But revoking American citizens’ natural travel
rights is only the beginning of this federal government’s latest
drive towards a fully-fledged, collectivist totalitarian society.

Senate Bill 1813, was originally introduced by Senator Barbara Boxer
(D-CA) and already passed the Senate on March 14 – all the while
disguised as legislation “to reauthorize Federal-aid highway and highway
safety construction programs, and for other purposes.”

Those “other purposes” are contained in Senate Leader Harry Reid
(D-Nev) latest addition to this legislation, that allows the State
Department to “revoke, deny or limit passports” for any person deemed by
the Internal Revenue Service as having “a seriously delinquent tax debt
in an amount in excess of $50,000.”

The real purpose here, of course, is Federal Capital Controls.
In other words, during the impending economic collapse, the US federal
government does not want to allow any amounts of private holdings to
leave the United States.

Few payed any serious attention to Obama’s Capital Controls bill two years ago, a bill which put the legal measures in place to enforce ‘Soviet-Style’ capital controls in America.

The capital controls wording was hidden, deep within a $17.5 billion “H.I.R.E.” Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (H.R. 2487).
This established control over Americans’ ability to
move their money across international borders may become restricted
thanks to new legislation passed two years ago.

It outlined new U.S. Federal restrictions on any foreign holdings
which exceed the relatively meager amount of $50,000 and left the door
open for a new 30% transaction or ‘holdings’ tax to be enforced by the
IRS. The new law was the first step in an unprecedented extension of the
US Government into the global sphere – a move that targets any American
citizen who is thinking of moving his or her capital out of the US
before the impending devaluation of the US dollar.

It was reported by this writer two years before in 2010 (and is more relevant today than ever):

Why has the White House and its Federal Government decided passed such a law now?

We should start by considering the big picture. The ramifications of
this new under-the-radar federal move are large and far-reaching.
Concerned readers would do well here to question both the fundamental
and practical aspects of such a law. Consider for one moment the letter
of the law- or the figure of $50,000. For extremely high
net-worth individuals, this new regulation over their personal
freedom amounts to a mere ‘speed-bump’ in financial terms. With their
money buried securely into property, foreign investments and strings of
shell companies and complex funds, financial elites will find this new
super socialist state control affects only minor liquid cash amounts, or
‘pocket-money’. For the middle class or small investor, the picture is
quite different. Fast-forward 12 or 18 months into the future where
rising inflation and a severe devaluation of the dollar may occur.

The ability for a middle class American to migrate his or her savings
into the relative safe haven of a foreign currency
or overseas investment is now controlled by the United States Federal

Economists and historians will note that such “Capital Controls” are
part and parcel of super-socialist states like the Soviet Union and its
former satellite states. Even today, it’s common practice for struggling
socialist governments located in regions like South America, Central
America and Africa to impose periodic restrictions on cash leaving those
countries- a sure sign of a currency and economy in decline. This
practice also characterizes foreign states who are under the economic
restructuring administration of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). One could also speculate that such restrictions imposed on Americans would certainly pave the way for a future IMF-type administration of the USA, making it markedly easier to manage for the World Bank.

Putting all speculation aside though, this new law amounts to a
dangerous precedent where the Federal Government can, with the
full enforcement of the IRS, lay down Capital Controls on any dollar amount- regardless of its size.

In the event of a US currency devaluation (see US ‘Bank Holiday’) of
the dollar, the said figure in the new bill- $50,000, could become a
rather nominal sum amounting to only 2/3′s or 1/3 of its previous value.
Do not count on the Federal Government to adjust its printed figure of
“$50,000″ for inflation or devaluation, leaving a Capital Control on
relatively smaller holdings, leaving no safe haven for the average

Throughout history, in countries where such Capital Controls
are administered by the state, large black market cash courier
industries have thrived. When a foreign currency is difficult or illegal
for local citizens to acquire, they will either pay a tax to the
government or a smaller black market premium to acquire it. If
government transaction taxes are high enough(like the new 30% tax set by
US law), punters may opt instead for the black market. This certainly
was the case in fledgling socialist countries like Italy in the 1960′s
where organized networks of independent couriers amassed large fortunes
by smuggling cash over the border. Of course, new border restrictions
and TSA surveillance technologies will make it almost impossible for an
individual to move substantial amounts of cash through airports.

LINK: Obama Already Placed ‘Soviet-Style’ Capital Controls on Americans Two Years Ago

Last edited by SpecialAgentGibbs on Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:48 am; edited 5 times in total
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by DevaronDLH Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:55 pm

In my view the United States government has gone way beyond its purpose and original meaning.... I believe a fight is coming, the lines are being drawn even as we speak the words. The only question I have is, Which side of the fight will the military be on? Yes every officer and soldier does in fact take an oath to uphold, support and defend the Constitution and all it means but the mind bending programing that go on in our military leaves the guys with very little hope of disobeying a direct order. Yet, it can and it will happen... there is a group you can view online called "The Oath Keepers" this groups claims it will defend the people in such an event as might come about. This group is composed of Military, police and many other people from every corner of our society... And I would not like to be a soldier marching down any street in Michigan or Illinois... or across any State west of the Mississippi river.
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by Kevind53 Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:43 pm

Seriously delinquent is very carefully and fully defined, further it is clearly stated that action may not be taken if those specific criteria are not met. As to the rest, IF H.R. 2487 contains what the author claims if must be very well hidden as I don't find it anywhere. Anytime someone on the internet makes a claim without substantiation I consider it highly suspect. Show me the language in context and then we'll see, but for now, it just doesn't pass the smell test. JMO

Trust but Verify --- R Reagan Suspect

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."1 Thessalonians 5:14–18

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by supergirl Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:39 am

Hmmm.... Source of this article along with any links plus any opposing argument? Thanks.
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by Kevind53 Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:06 am

I just did a search on the bills ... there is a section in the Library of Congress website where you can research bills and actions taken ... the first one is not yet law, and not a broad reaching as the writer would have you think. The Hire act needs a little digging ... but if you inpur the bill number you can find it. I found zero support for the allegations

Trust but Verify --- R Reagan Suspect

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."1 Thessalonians 5:14–18

 Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865  Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865  Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865  Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by SpecialAgentGibbs Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:36 am

The last line is the link to the article (it just wasn't appearing as such originally).

The context about that speaks of the new IRS bill up for vote, is directed towards those that owe $50,000 or more having their passport declined, does not concern me (although it may violate certain rights).

What does concern me is the capital control aspect of this article.

For an in depth look into this HR 2487, please see the following article:

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by mitkire Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:33 am


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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by Kevind53 Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:56 pm

I have looked at the actual bill. Now I'm not a lawyer, nor have I ever played on on TV, but the language is just not there. The HIRE act reads to me to be directed at money laundering and tax evasion. It in no way controls the accounts, or gives the Govt control of the account, only mandates a 30% withholding in certain pass through accounts. The information required is no more than domestic banks have/pass on today. Further, it does not seem to apply to all banks or individuals, only to those who refuse to provide taxpayer ID etc.

As to the newer bill it very specifically aimed at tax evaders who owe 50K or more in back taxes, and very cleary states that is the only group it applies to. Even those who have cases on appeal are exempted.

Again, smell test fails.

Trust but Verify --- R Reagan Suspect

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."1 Thessalonians 5:14–18

 Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865  Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865  Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865  Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by SpecialAgentGibbs Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:06 pm

Did you happen to catch it on FOX that the IRS is closing Americans bank accounts in other countries???
I suppose that is happening because the bill does not give the IRS the power to control outside our borders?

Believe what you wish but, this bill has been scrutinized by many people a lot smarter in the field than you or I and they all come to the same conclusion, capital control.
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by 1alaskan Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:14 pm

It is a INFOWARS piece, take it for what it is.

Last edited by 1alaskan on Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:14 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by Kevind53 Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:25 pm

Smarter maybe, more time to do it definitely, a definite agenda to support, absolutely.

Trust but Verify --- R Reagan Suspect

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."1 Thessalonians 5:14–18

 Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865  Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865  Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865  Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! 2805820865
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by SpecialAgentGibbs Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:37 pm

It looks like a difference in opinions today
You say it can't happen.
I say it can happen.
FOX News says IT IS happening!

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by IQD4US Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:26 pm

SpecialAgentGibbs wrote:Did you happen to catch it on FOX that the IRS is closing Americans bank accounts in other countries???
I suppose that is happening because the bill does not give the IRS the power to control outside our borders?

Believe what you wish but, this bill has been scrutinized by many people a lot smarter in the field than you or I and they all come to the same conclusion, capital control.

#1 - Here is the link http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/1567292944001/more-americans-renouncing-citizenship-over-taxes/

#2 - It is NOT the IRS that is closing Americans accounts - start at 1:40 -- the IRS is asking Foreign banks to send them account information and the banks do not wish to deal with any American Agency - so in some cases - since the foreign geovernments feel that the compliance request is too difficult, the FOREIGN BANK is closing the accounts of Americans and / or refusing to open accounts for Americans.
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by TC2012 Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:37 am

This is what Sovereign Society said about it (short & sweet)


1-7-11 Sovereign Society: The HIRE Act, supposedly written to get Americans back to work, includes a new, Orwellian nugget that imposes a 30% tax on dollars that are wired into an overseas account – unless the overseas bank agrees to report all American-owned accounts automatically and electronically.

IMHO, Kevind53 is right on.

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by SpecialAgentGibbs Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:23 am

Don't want to believe, no sweat for me.
The FOX article about renounced citizenship is not even the same information and is unrelated.
As for Sovereign Society, there's FAR more to HR 2487 than just that.

You know, I brought this info in for the purpose of HELPING people to be aware of the possibility of what can and is taking place in this country.
I'd really hate to see folks wake up to find out that capital control has taken their hard earned wealth or severely limited their ability to use & enjoy it as they wish.

All too often our lawmakers bury hidden agendas deep within unrelated bills because they know that it won't be seen until AFTER it has passed. This is factual and has been done countless times.
The sad part is when someone DOES see it, sooo many people refuse to accept it. "they can't do that", "that won't happen" yet all too often, it already has happened.

Have you not seen how the GOV has repeatedly limited or completely removed certain rights???

I didn't post this just because it was on Infowars, I did the research and found that MANY analysts have dissected the HR2487 and the overwhelming majority of them came to the very same conclusion.

You don't believe it, FINE!
IMHO, better to be aware and prepared than to be caught by the short hairs and live in regret!

I'm done with it, MODS do as you wish.
And GOD help us all if I'm right!
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Post by Repairtheworld Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:17 am

Possibilities is a word that holds intriguing impact, depending on your mindset, but always contains an open-ended vision of tomorrow. ... we would all be foolish to not see the possibilities of hidden or sugar-coated or even totally logical sounding governmentally imposed rights limitations .... . If it is there in law, it can and often is amended further to give it wider range or sharper control of the many instead of the few. Easy for us to look at now and say - doesn't apply to me so why worry.

As a US citizen, I hope it will not lead to more restrictions or broader, more invasive control. But as POSSIBILITIES implies - tomorrow it might.

So, Smile Thanks for the article giving us the option to research further, prepare or if we choose ignore what you presented.

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by IQD4US Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:37 pm

@ SpecialAgentGibbs

Anything that Fox puts on the air is on thier site, and that WAS the news they posted and was about closing American Accounts overseas BECAUSE of the requests from IRS concerning "thier banking and release of information for Americans"

Please DO NOT think for a moment that my eyes are closed to what the government attempts to do in order to control us. I am and always have been a civil libertarian, and I will defend my rights (and yours for that matter) to the death.

I only feel that when information becomes available we NEED to make sure that it is taken in context, and personally I would note that where it is NOT specifically dinar related, it is of concern to Americans as a whole.

I would also point out that where Americans think that the USA controls the world - the other countries despise American interference in their business and personal practice- whcih makes it difficult for Americans (especially military families) to "get along" and be welcomed into their country.

I searched 3 days of Fox information for anythng with the word IRS, and aside from Taxes for 2012 and tax breaks coming to an end this year, this was the only article that mentioned overseas bank account closures.

Please, if you have a link to support your interpretation of IRS having ANY authority to close an American Bank account overseas, I would like it. Not to try to prove you wrong, but to provide information to others on a factual basis. I know there are countless military families that kept thier overseas accounts because they were going to return to that country to retire, and they have overseas investments.

There is always dust, there is always smoke, and we must wipe it away and clear the air to make sure people have the facts, gain the knowledge to have the power to make the change. It is all about protecting our rights - to include our investment in IQD.

I do not wish to appear to attack you, but I am less than tactful. This is just me, and when I get too passionate the MODS correct me. Rereading my post could appear that I gave no value to your words or that I do not heed a warning. I do, and I thank you for your posting. My intention was not to upset you, but to gain information. My apologies if it appeared otherwise.

Last edited by IQD4US on Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:40 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : add a word & spelling)
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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by Boas2 Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:15 pm

Do not believe everything you read from the politicians. Amen.

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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by Ponee Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:19 pm

 Found this in the archives, anyone have thoughts on this topic?  I know that there are a lot of new members on the site alone with a lot of new dinarians.


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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by al be Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:45 pm

Ponee wrote: Found this in the archives, anyone have thoughts on this topic?  I know that there are a lot of new members on the site alone with a lot of new dinarians.

Interesting article.  I'm still stumbling around like a newb checking out the forum and noted the original poster's name. I haven't seen much of him on DR lately.  But I may have missed him.  I'm going to read through the responses. 

Saw another topic I'm looking into 'Trusts'.   Thanks!


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Yes it's YOUR  money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!! Empty Re: Yes it's YOUR money but you CAN'T leave the country with it!!!

Post by Jayzze Tue Dec 24, 2013 5:33 pm

i will give  a little help but do not take  what i will say without checking yourself. the country of panama has many private bnks giving close to ten percent  interest it is safe but the best part is they refuse togive up the banks clients names this is just food for thought
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